
Why Your Business Would Benefit From A Clean Desk Policy


In any business it’s important to keep a tidy work environment, a messy desk can leave you feeling stressed and cause potential security risks. By having a clean desk policy in your business you’ll show you’re serious about keeping an organised workspace.

Often during hectic days in the office, it’s normal for your workspace to become untidy. Even creative genius Albert Einstein had a messy desk, although there are plenty of people out there who have been successful, regardless of their desk condition.

Having a clean desk policy will require all employees to clean their desks at the end of a working day. Printed4You takes a closer look at the benefits of your business having a clean desk policy.

Increase Productivity

Tidy desk, tidy mind. A clean workspace will give you peace of mind and stop you from being distracted. In fact, the average person wastes 4.3 hours per week searching for paper. So, in time this will save you time and money, as your employees will want to avoid printing any paperwork.

Lower Security Risks

Enforcing the clean desk policy in your office helps to encourage your employees to hide any sensitive information and keep it locked away in any filing cabinets. This could be notepads containing company usernames or passwords. 

Positive Impressions

A disorganised desk will reflect poorly on you with your coworkers and management. Whereas, having a tidy desk makes you look more professional and shows you take pride in your work. Similarly, if your business is often visited by clients, you want to ensure you establish a positive impression with them right away. But if you’re desk is a mess you could be seen as lazy and put them off doing business with you.

Fewer Health Hazards

For those employees who regularly eat lunch at their desks, it’s even more important to clean your desk regularly. As a matter of fact, the average keyboard has roughly 7,500 bacteria on it! Just spending 10 minutes at the end of the day wiping down your keyboard and mouse, will help you avoid spreading bacteria and illnesses.

Reduces Stress

You’ll find yourself having more space to get work done and find things quicker. In addition to this, working in a tidy space can decrease stress levels and prevent serious health issues like fatigue or depression.

Tips for maintaining a tidy desk:

Scan your documents

Designate areas for certain items

Keep the essentials close to hand

Have a bin close by

Daily wipe down of your desk

Final Thoughts

All thing considered; it may take a while to tackle the mess on your desk but in the long run, will make a big difference to your work performance. At Printed4You we have a wide range of promotional products that are perfect for helping you organise your desk. Including pen pots, paperweights, and folders.


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➤ Benefits of having a clean work

➤ 5 Benefits of a clean desk

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